
KMU-Berater - Bundesverband freier Berater e.V.


(The German Association of SME Consultants) is an inter-regional association of freelance consultants, all of whom are individuals with proven professional qualifications. They all undertake to adhere to a comprehensive set of principles governing professional consultancy and guarantee to give independent advice.


Axel Kunz is head of the Regional Group North of the association, certified as SME Reengineering Advisor® and is active in the Restructuring section.

G Rodhe und Partner

Stiftung Führungsmethodik, Oldenburg


(The Foundation for Management Methods) supports the research, development and publication of comprehensive management methods for SMEs, and provides managers with support aimed at improving the basis for decision-making and thus avoiding errors, and optimising environmentally-friendly business practices.


Axel Kunz is a member of the Foundation's team of experts working on the development of modern management tools.


VDI, The Association of German Engineers


is the biggest association of engineers and scientists in Germany. It was formed in 1856 and represents their interests both politically and socially. In addition, VDI specialist committees perform technical and scientific work required for processes of standardisation, and via holding companies sponsor public funding for research.